Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our Mission, Our Goals and Our Objectives

Why call ourselves the "bloodpackz"? Why not "Pinky Power"? or Mr. "Fancy Pants"??

ALOT and MANY people start asking us this question... Why Bloodpackz? why? why? why? In our terms for "Blood" we define it as a "BOND" which is special for us as it is like treating our members as "Family". We can call our groupie as our own family to share smilliar interest or traits. While others might be different, we can learn from their interest, majors, business, knowledge, sports and hobbies that we did not know of and getting that information may change anybody lives through that much exposure with experience which can learn from other people all around the world by letting them explore into their major industry and sharing it to others. Our soceity is Bonded with Brothers and sisters or Bonded by friendship that last thru a life time in a continuous learning process base on their interest and share their experience to the world. In this way, it is better to let the whole world know something about us rather then to keep to one-self, and let them ask us why are we so different, special, smart and intellectual in all aspects. why? why? why? These are many questions that goes thru ones mind... We explore and absorb information from others to make the next best alternative outcome when it comes to decision-making process. In this way, we have the best information to choose the right decision and making it an opportunity to succeed in life and in entertainment purposes. Thus, we are able to manage our resources and time to perform the up-most effective method and effeciency in self-development in every characteristics. As i would say "why strive harder to reach your goals rather then to grab hold of that opportunity that leads you to the BEST achievement thru decision-making outcome in any aspects of your life!"

Arix - known as "The Founder" of the Bloodpackz and the up most respected.

Author- Arix
Year -2009
Article Type: General review
Keyword(s): Malaysia, Performance Management, Management development; Public sector
Journal: Journal of Management Development
Volume: 10
Number: 1
Year: 2009
pp: 1
Copyright © Bloodpackz Ltd
ISSN: 0262-1711